“The name above that door is not mine but my father’s. Italianality, filtering Venice through a unique Australian expression, has been my way of continuing along that proud personal path.”

Rinaldo Di Stasio

Call it ‘the Milan end’ of Melbourne, Rinaldo does.

Located on Spring St, opposite the Treasury Gardens, between Collins St and Flinders Lane, there emerges a truly unique space – imagined, created, curated – that lies at the nexus of all the Di Stasio energies that have come before it.

Cittá is a culmination of sorts, a vibrant dynamic next step along a continuum of a challenge and of notions Rinaldo has been grappling with all his life. This is not only a commercial venture – though of course, he has never retreated from this aspect – but is also a vehicle to express and bring together all the aspects of Italo-Australian history, culture, place and heritage.

It is an opportunity too to bring a long-standing dream to further fruition, celebrating Rinaldo’s influence on the Australian hospitality, cultural and artistic landscape, through a renewed celebration of Melbourne and the CBD where it all began and of his beloved spiritual and familial home, Italy.

Citta brings to life a unique sense of hospitality, food and drink, architecture, and artistic movements. The space will inspire, champion and give to, as a living, breathing staging ground of art, design, architecture, and ideas; the fulcrum of the Di Stasio ethos – food, art, ideas and philosophy. Italianality.

A Milan end for Spring St, an Italian quarter for the Melbourne CBD: a diverse range of human activities; a way of expression that combines music, literature, film, painting, photography, design and shared celebration, an electric sense of anticipation in the air – all of this carrying over into what has been built to stand here now.